ADAM THE YOUNGER AND THE WAR OF 1812ADAM The younger, 1791-1866 And the War of 1812, The “Second Revolutionary War” The Peck Clan in America Volume II, Part One
By Susan Moore Teller Glossy 80 lb stock in four color: $39.99 60 lb. bond in 4 color: $15.00 Buy with PayPal -- e-mail for information to Susan at [email protected] Postage: $7.75 anywhere in USA. The War of 1812 was a "forgotten" war, yet impacted the United States significantly. This is the story of the sons of Adam Peck Sr., a Revolutionary War veteran and his wife, Elizabeth Sharkey, and some others who fought in this war. Among the Peck brothers who fought in the War of 1812 were ADAM Jr., Patrick, Moses Looney, Nicholas Sharkey, James Hawkins, Jacob F. C., and Benjamin. It is also the story of War of 1812 veterans Tobias Teller, of New York, and Alexander Maddux, of Illinois, whose ancestor was at Valley Forge. This book takes you back to the era, and gives the reader an idea of what it meant to live in the United States of America in its infancy. It also describes the very different nation we might live in today, if this last great battle in the War of 1812 had not been fought and won against such terrible odds.112 pages. This edition is availble in library quality, 80 lb glossy stock interior, full color, great for reproducing old documents and photos in book, or in a perfectly readable 4 color bond stock at a reduced cost. |